Investor update template (Comprehensive)

Dear <<Investor Name>>,

Hope you have been doing amazing.

Here's the <<Month>>'s updates!

Our Goals now

<<This should be mainly qualitative and descriptive goals>>

Our Pitch

<<Insert latest version of pitch here, no more than 2 sentences long>>


<<This should ideally be tailored to each investor>>


<<Insert any metrics here and label accordingly, this should be quantitative and qualitative and not too boastful/ long. Only highlight key points.>>


[Metric 1, e.g.,] Current # of users: <<X>> (up 15% from last month) (compared with budget)

Current daily signups is up to <<xx>>/day, up from <<xx>>/day at the beginning of the month, (compared with budget, perhaps)

Traffic from <<x>> is still growing quickly and driving almost all signups. We can also optimize the signup flow to increase the conversion rate.

We're also exploring <<a new marketing tactic>>"

  1. <<Recent hire and progress/ impact made on company>>
  2. We're still looking for a <<Any positions you are looking for (if any)>>
  1. We're powering a <<key feature>> for <<company name>>
  2. <<Mention any new launches>>
  1. As mentioned last month, <<establish what was mentioned previously>>
  2. Attaching [month] cash flow statement. Large 1-time costs include [these]
Next Month Priorities
  1. <<Have S.M.A.R,T Goals written here>>
  2. Launch <<Product>> by <<Date>>

Thanks to <<investor>> for <<a great introduction to such and such>>

Let us know if you have any thoughts or suggestions!

Please reach me here:

<<Contact info, best to include how they should address you, email, phone number and/or LinkedIn>>


Reach me <<First Name, Designation>> at:

Email: <<Address>>

Mobile: <<Phone>>

LinkedIn: <<URL>> “


<<Founders Name>

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