Guide to updating general information

This is step 1 and 3 in the Create Company Profile process. 

General Information

Short description: Similar to a quick pitch, a short description is a 1-liner elevator pitch for your company. Think of this as your pick-up line to get their attention. 

Long Description: Similar to a long pitch, a long description is where you show off your company in 2000 characters. You might want to include some of the following: the company’s mission, the problem you're solving, the solution you're building, company culture, etc. 

Logo: Make your branding consistent. Adding a company logo adds credibility to your startup and encourages e27 Community members to connect with you.

Cover Photo: Use a captivating cover photo, this photo will be shown in the header image of your profile page and the (#pro) fundraising widget. Max resolution at 1085px x 130px with a upload size of 2MB (This is placed under the "Media Upload" step during the creation of the company profile)

Gallery: Show off your product screenshots for clarity or show company culture through photos.Photos generally capture people's attention to what you are doing. Resolution is at 690px x 340px and a max upload of 2MB per photo, with a gallery of max 6 photos. (By the way, this step is placed under the "Media Upload" step during the creation of the company profile) 

YouTube Video URL:  Tell your story or show off your product or service through video. Your video will be embedded on your profile and visitors can play it directly on your profile. 

RSS Feed URL: Attach an RSS feed here and it will show at the side of your profile. Adding an RSS feed will keep potential investors and/or partners updated with the happenings in your company. 

Profile ID: You can change the unique URL ID to your e27 profile link for ease of sharing and naming purposes. This field is only visible after you completed the first company profile building process. 

Links: Add links to your social media accounts. It's a great way to drive traffic to your social media channels and make it easier for your visitors to connect and follow you. 

Once you're done, remember to click Save!

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