Individual investor profile versus company investor profile

A. If you are investing on a personal basis, using your personal funds and using your personal name as a listed shareholder, we consider this as investing as an angel investor/individual investor; then you should be looking to 

  1. Update your individual investor profile
  2. Set up and get ready for Connect requests from startup* (ready to launch in Q2 2022) 

B. If you are representing your investment firm's interest, you should be looking to

  1. Create or update the investment firm's Investor Profile
    1. Updating general information
    2. Updating key investment information such as sectors, cheque sizes
    3. Invite other colleagues to be part of the Investor profile
    4. Submit to e27 for verification for the verified badge
  2. Set up and get to Connect with startups* (ready to launch in Q2 2022) 
  3. Set up and get ready to receive Connect requests from startups

You should not be updating your individual profile's investment interest as that indicates that you are an angel investor. 

C. Common mistakes

  1. Individuals working in an investment firm should not be updating their individual investor profile even if they make investment decisions on behalf of the firm. Doing so will create duplicates and confusion when startups look to Connect with the firm.
    1. Exceptions only if the individual is both an angel investor and a proper representative of the investment firm
  2. Individual investors/angels should not be creating an investor company profile, instead they should just update their individual investor profile.

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